Bresc B.V.

  • Pure flavors
  • Ease of use
  • Constant quality

Single ingredients

Bresc Horseradish puree 450g

Bresc Horseradish puree 450g

Bresc Horseradish puree 450g

Horseradish is a mustard-like root vegetable with a volatile, tart aroma. The powerful essential oils that are released when the root is peeled and/or rasped give its flavour a hot dimension. Horseradish comes from Slavic cuisine, where it is a very common ingredient. It is mostly used for cold dishes, such as fish, salads and dressings.


Horseradish (70%), water, rape oil, vinegar, salt (0.5%), acid (citric acid), preservative (SODIUM METABISULPHITE), stabilizers (guar gum, xanthan gum)

This is how our customers have experienced Bresc

JIM Exclusieve Catering Brielle
Bresc's products are good quality and easy to use

Founded in Brielle in 2004, Jim Exclusieve Catering is now a catering company that operates throughout the whole of the Netherlands. The cat ...

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Bistro 't Schippersrijk Uitgeest

Bistro 't Schippersrijk Bistro ’t Schippersrijk in Uitgeest can accommodate 120 diners inside and in the summer there is room for another 6 ...

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