We are proud to announce that Bresc’s office has moved to a new location in Werkendam. Over the coming weeks, all of Bresc’s manufacturing sites will gradually move to this new location. Among other things, the new premises have an inspiration kitchen, aka the “Brescuisine”, for our customers and business contacts, where the focus will be on inspiration and sharing information about the latest gastronomic trends and developments in the food industry.
Our 80-strong company is expanding very rapidly, so much so that we have quite outgrown our original space. Accordingly, Bresc is moving to a brand-new building in Kop van Brabant, a new industrial estate. The move, and the land we bought this summer, will allow Bresc to continue evolving over the next few decades.
New address details Bresc B.V. Jakobsstaf 6 4
251 LW WERKENDAM The Netherlands
T: +31 (0) 183 200000 (new!) F: +31 (0) 183 310210 E: info@bresc.nl
We are closing down the sites in Giessen and Sleeuwijk on 5 November.